Saturday, December 31, 2016

One last Hurrah of painting for 2016.

So just got back form vacationing at home.  I finished up a Seadog's version of Lady Aiyana and Master Holt as well as the six Knights Exemplar I had mostly done at the end of the 3MMRC.  I am happy to have managed to knock out a few more models at the very tail end of the year.  Though the only part left once I got back form vacation was the basing.  Anyways here's a pic Hope everyone has a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 16, 2016

3MMRC: Wrap up

So the 3 months is over.  My final week I got very little done.  I broke apart and then painted the wrecked Warjack for the Judicator's base.  I started on but failed to finish 6 Knights Exemplar after discovering part way through the 1st of the Man-o-Wars that I was pretty much out of my base coat for the red.

On the terrain front I did get some work done on a Rumble sized (30" X 30") Mat using the caulking on Canvas method I am hoping to get some paint on it tomorrow.  I also finished basing the winter trees.

So how did this challenge go?  Not well.  All told I ended up finishing the 3 months with more models on my mountain than I started.  I was doing fairly well and then my wife found an awesome deal on some a Huge lot of Menoth stuff on E-bay.  She decided to bid on it for me and we won it for a hell of a deal, about $600+ dollars worth of stuff for about $275.  I have mixed feelings, a lot of it was stuff I didn't have and while we are planing on selling about half of it after Christmas is over It still left me with about 67 models to paint.  Some of which thanks to focusing on Menoth during the Courage at the Crossroads League is already painted but when my grand total of painted models for the challenge works out to 66 it leaves me a little disheartened.  I did manage to sell off about 20 other models that never would have gotten painted and have about another 70 or so ready for Ebay after Christmas break (not including the Menoth lot).  I do think that 3 months worked better than 6 and I think in another 6 months I may try another personal challenge of some type for about 3 months.  

So where does that leave this Blog.  Well I do have plans to transfer some of my posts form my Dakka Dakka Blog to this one.  In addition I am thinking of doing some tutorial types for some upcoming terrain projects.  Also I have this strange desire to post write ups of the IKRPG game as it progresses. We will see after the 1st what happens.  As for now Happy Holidays and Happy painting!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

3MMRC: Week 10 the forest for the trees...

So as I stated in my post last week I was going to make a big push to work on some terrain.  Mainly some old Christmas Village trees I've had since at least 2006.  I did end up picking up another pack because after I put them down how I had planned the stands looked kind of sparse.  But they are mostly done now.  I just added paint to the rocks between taking the photos ad my turn for the family computer.  I ma over all happy with how they turned out.  I must say stands like these don't appear very often, most people it seems prefer to just place the trees on felt or small boards.  I have found over the years having a set stand of them makes it easier to game with and transport.  Sure you may have more variation without gluing them down but you also end up knocking them down on your and our opponents models.  I will mix up some snow basing and add that tomorrow night to finish them off and post pictures next week but here is a shot so far.

Also as part of the Courage at the Crossroads League there are achievements for building terrain for various battlefields.    This Season as a Sower I had to build something for the Mud Fields battlefield.  I was pretty lost on what to do since my options were a shallow puddle, a lonely oak(tree stand), shallow mud, and deep mud.  Well I already did my summer/spring forest stands a couple of months back, so that left puddles and mud. I have recently started watching some terrain videos from Mel Boise.  I watched some on doing marshy ground and that inspired me to come up with something.  So I knocked out three Shallow and three Deep mud pieces.  The deep mud ones are the oens with [ools of water in them.
 Also this week was the No Man Left Behind scenario which had the defender placing three 3" tents in the center of the board.  Well I had done some tents for the last League in a Day event but since doing those I wanted to try out some round tents and since I was already cutting out some MDF for the trees and the mud pieces I knocked out 3 more to serve as tents for the scenario. These pieces I am very happy with.

Lastly this week since i have yet to be able to play the Judicator in a match to meet that achievement for he league I painted up some Jacks I ran on Sunday and will probably run again tomorrow against eh wife in my Harbinger Rumble list.   These are two jacks I haven't played before and I think i need some more practice to get the most out of them but now they join the ranks of my Menoth forces.

It's the last week and to be honest I have no idea of what I want to work on this last week.  I had intended to knock out the last of my Khador stuff (10 Man-o-wars and a Juggernaut) and I am tempted to do that as it would mean that faction is complete but I am also fiveish cultists away form finishing  them.  Who knows maybe I will have a flurry of motivation and finish both. 

Happy Painting all.