So Since I got back I have been hard at work getting some painting and terrain done. The painting I have pics of the Terrain will have to wait. So to start off the Journeyman League I wanted to knock out a couple more of the Battle Box sets that I had on hand. Mainly Cryx and Trollbloods. They turned out wonderfully and I must say that I am VERY pleased with the Trolls. I think they may be my favorite models of those painted in the last two weeks. I tried my hand at Plaid on some of the cloths and the pattern was fairly simple and I think clearly conveys a tartan like scheme.
I traded off some Warhammer stuff that I didn't need and got some Warmachine/Hordes stuff in return. On of these was First Mate Hawk. I already had a Phineas Shae and also received a Khador Wardog for Christmas. These were the next three I painted. I am pretty happy with how they turned out, close enough to the artwork but just slightly different.
Lastly I knocked out another set of Cryx models the Witch Coven of Garlghast. These were a quick set using pretty simple color schemes and they mesh well with my other Cryx models. The unit looks fun and I may branch into Cryx some more for league play, but beyond that its mainly another set of characters for my IKRPG game.
Currently on my tray and started are a Widowmaker Marksman, a Storm Troll, and a Night Troll. Hoping to have them finished up by this weekend and maybe move on to some more Khador stuff. Happy Painting all.