Sunday, May 14, 2023

2023 Back at it (and back story) for another 6MMRC Week 5

*tap* *tap* Is this thing on, let me dust off the cobwebs here a bit.  SO, It has been a very very long time since I posted to this thing so first a bit of a recap of some stuff that has gone on.  I finished my last 6MMRC in June of 2018, I had every intention (as I always do) to keep the blog going after, life didn't really have that in store for me.  I found out in June that I was heading to Korea for a duty assignment about the time the last challenge ended.  That brought a whole wealth of challenges as where I was supposed to be going (spoiler alert that is not where I went) was not a great place to bring my family so we had to pack up and make a move for them back home which was across the country and through another one.  That left little time for hobbying, though after I got back I did do a push to get some projects complete and even manage to enter an Armies on Parade again and even one best overall.

(Tried to add more pictures but blogger kidna sucks and couldn't get the laid out the way I wanted )

After that I mostly got every thing ready for my move.  I got to Korea and while I did keep at the painting and modeling as a way to keep busy I had none of the stuff I needed to really take pictures (yes I am aware they sell break down photo boxes on Amazon, I am looking to get one here soon) so even though I wanted to and thought about it I could never got around to doing it.  While there I had probably my biggest life change occur, and perhaps reintroductions are in order for those that knew me before.. Hello I am now Ana now, my pronouns are she her and yes I am transgender.

Here's a recent picture of me at 20 year OIF reunion

Needless to say the next couple of years were a whirlwind, I made a few posts here and there on FB in various hobby forums are am on there for some projects here or there but I was kind of nervous about being in the public eye for a little while (that's changed in a bigger way to some extent but ADHD still keeps me from posting regular.)   So lets talk the whirlwind, in addition to my transition of genders, I was also retiring from the Army, and relocating back home which thanks to some a*hole at my branch meant a whole other move with the family completely across the country and through another one.  Starting a new job setting up a new house (though I finally have my own game room office now.)  Whew whew does a girl find time to assemble and paint tiny plastic men and women?

Eh she finds a way.

So while I haven't been posting I have been hobbying, I have taken a bit of an interest in Youtube and I have posted a series of a play through I did of Minecraft and am currently working on one for Cyberpunk 2077 (I hope to get back to it now that college is done oh about that...)  I also finally managed to earn my Associates degree so hey finishing college can get checked off my to do list finally after 25 years.  With all this going on the fine fellow who runs the Six Month Mountain Reduction Challenges posted about doing another one from April to the end of October.  While my new job pays really well and my plastic mountain has grown considerably over the years with all the other craziness going on.  I am starting a wee bit late but I talked with David (that fine fellow I mentioned earlier) and he said I was good to start once I finished my finals and final papers.  So that pretty much catches us up to now.  My first weeks completion was some of the Sisters of Battle from my imperium subscription, though these week also sees me blow my first joker as I picked up the Gallowfall Kill Team set (if your just joining me look back through older posts and you can probably see why... this girl loves her some Beastmen.)
crappy picture but we are still re-learning this

Next week is more Sisters, five Seraphim, five Zeraphym and three converted Rhinos, until then Happy Hobbying!