Well it has certainly been quite awhile since my last post, and well that is how long it took me to finish my first set of Warders. I came to the epiphany while working on them that painting a unit I "have" to assemble, paint, and play; to use an army effectively on the table top, that I otherwise would not have purchased or dedicated time into is a huge mood Killer. Unfortunately I have quite a few more of these kind of projects in my pile of shame. This batch is done and while I have one more unit to finish to actually be able to play my Stone Gauntlet list again I am taking a break.
Instead of beating my head against the wall with models that I have no inclination to paint I am pulling out some old projects that have been lingering unfinished. I ma hoping since these are quicker paint schemes and techniques they will help cleanse my palette and potentially reinvigorate my desire to Hobby. First up is the last of my rank and file (and one boss) of my Iron Kingdoms Undercity set. I have been playing Iron Kingdoms Requiem with my wife and some friends and I have found I have a lot of energy in preparing models and terrain for those games so I am also hoping that helps. These were started while I was in Korea but I had missed priming one of them, and they got set aside till I could prime the last one and that didn't happen till this last Sun. They are being painted with a mix of GW Contrast and then base coats with a layer of wash. Simple scheme for some models that just serve as monster fodder for RPGs.
Following that we already have the next batch in the wings for after them. This is the entire Dead Men Rising set from the Widowers Wood Kickstarter. I already completed the adventure that I originally planned to use these models for with the Party but its a big pile of undead and i figure there will be use for them sometime in the future as well. I figure finishing the Undercity stuff and Dead Men Rising will net me a Joker each. I have no plans to purchase anything else for a while though. I think the only thing on my Radar potentially is the new Horus Hersey set with the Land Raider Mk III marines and Dreads but there is as yet no release date on that. Until next time Happy Hobbying!