Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Okay so its taken me a couple of days to get around to finally up loading the pics. Well here they are. These are pictures of my Chaos Conclave, an Apocalypse formation using a named Character in this case a Huron Blackheart clone Raben the Black. Also in the formation which can include any number of Lords, Sorcerers and Daemon princes are: Nurgle Lord with Plauge Bringer (the Grim Reaper guy,) Khornate Lord with Blood Feeder, Tzeentchian Sorcerer with Disc of Tzeentch, and finally a Slaaneshi Sorcerer on a Mount of Slaanesh (more like a built in mount as he has been mutated to have the lower body of a snake.)

I had a lot of fun converting these models and the Slaaneshi model is my first time using green stuff to sculpt anything other then hair. It's a hefty unit for Apocalypse coming in at just over 1000 pts. but it was fun to model and fits the story more for my Chaos army Once I get them all painted and based I'll throw the pics up here the Slaaneshi model is already done (one of the things i was doing instead of posting the promised blog entry.)

Well hope you enjoy the pics and feel free to ask me any questions about any of the models that show up on the blog.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Starting off with a little about me.

Well this is a blog I am starting to document my growth as a modeler for Games Workshop Games. Specifically 40K and fantasy. I started playing my first GW games at about 11-12 with Battle Master and Heroquest not even knowing knowing they were related to the systems I have come to love till much later. I started 40k kind of the same way to playing a game called Rouge Trader that my father had picked up at an auction some where. In 96 the full fledged craziness began. I traded some MtG cards to a buddy for the 2nd Edition box set. It was poorly panited with model paints but I broke out the acrylics I had from painting my Battle Master and Heroquest stuff. Thirteen years later I have now sold the models form that first set as well as 3 other armies and have npow settled on 3 armies I am working at slowly customizing and personalizing. My current 3 are Space Marines (my own chapter based loosely on the Crimson fists,) Chaos (a fallen portion of my imperial chapter,) and Orks as well as an Orc and Goblins army for fantasy.

Currently I am working on finishing the last of the chaos stuff up to 6000pts for apocolypse. Will be posting some pics later of the last couple of models I've built for that.