Sunday, October 15, 2017

6MMRC 2017 Week 15: Continuing the Journey

 Another blog post in on time, though less progress then I would have liked.  Turns out I had used up all my primer previously and hadn't realized till I tired to prime this weeks models.  So anyways I still managed to get the stuff assembled last week mostly done this week.  That's 4 Beastmen Renegades and the Inquisitor and retinue for my Armies on Parade board.  That just leaves the board itself to finish and I managed to get that primed, and the texture paint applied.  So over all short post these week but the task is almost wrapped up.

As yo next week, we sold just about everything at the Gamer's Garage Sale that left us with $369 in credit.  Since I had sold about 56 models I had little qualms about using the credit to pick up a box of Grey Knight Terminators and a Brother Captain Stern to finish out my Grey Knights for the upcoming Team tournament, this weeks progress will be mostly geared towards the Terminators and finishing up the board.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

6MMRC 2017 Week 14: Journey to Armies on Parade.

So not a huge amount of progress this week, I finished Guilliman, and started working on my entry for Armies on Parade. Guilliman was a blast to paint and I am very proud of him, the gentlemen that commissioned me was ecstatic about his, as he did not expect the model to that quality when he asked for it to be done (not sure why.)

 I will be showing my Renegades and Heretics Army which is made up of converted Beastmen models from the old Fantasy range.  I lucked out and the GW store in Columbia still had one tile left from the classic Realm of Battle board.  The plan has changed a little over the week.  The current version is a wrecked Rhino with an Inquisitor and henchmen standing down the Renegades as they circle their prey.  As far as using up portions of my Mountain I am knocking out half a Rhino (only got one of the sprues of the two to complete the kit in a bits lot,) the last of my Dark Vengeance cultist champions with coat, and some assorted bits for the henchman and body.  I also am putting together four more Ungor Renegades to bring my force more inline with the Army options for the current rules.  I still have about 50 more Ungor waiting on the next revision to the Renegades and Heretics list form Forgeworld or if a miracle happens a Renegade Guard book from GW.

This week will mostly be working on my entry.  Putting paint on the minis and board and maybe getting the last Leman Russ for the Army knocked out as well (its currently sitting in Totally Awesome.)  I also have a Team Tournament coming up with my Grey Knights and will need to knock out one of my other back logged Rhinos into a Razorback and maybe acquire another unit of Terminators and Bother Captain Stern to field them as a Battalion.  On that front and it will be a gray area with the Jokers, my wife and I submitted a lot of stuff for a Gamer's Garage Sale at the FLGS in Columbia.  Since you get what you sold as store Credit and I will be trading out more minis then what I will be getting back in return.  I do have 2 Jokers still but not sure if I want to use both to enter a tourney or maybe rework the list with something else.  Until next week Happy Hobbying all.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

6MMRC 2017 Week 13: Characters and Commissions and a Mid challenge assessment.

Greetings all, here is this weeks update.  I finished the Primaris Marines, completing all of the models in my Dark Imperium set and marking the 1st time since 2nd Ed. Warhammer 40K that I have painted all the models in a starter set.  Over all I ma very happy with the look of the army so far, though I will be taking a much needed break from blue after next week.  I have been doing all the insignia on these models free hand to help better hone those skills.  I must say I am getting much better at painting the upside down Omega of the Ultramarines as well as skulls.

Upon finishing The Interceptors, Captain, and Lieutenants I started working on the last of the Boys in Blue for a little while, and also took on a commission.  I don't do many, but i have in the last few years started taking some here and there to help fund my Hobby.  It seemed like a perfect time to take this one, since I was already painting the model anyways.  So here are the WIP pictures of my Roboute Guilliman alongside his clone.  I have left the heads out to allow swapping from bare/helmeted head since they friction fit in very well.  He is an awesome and elaborate model and I am having a lot of fun painting him up.  I know Ultramarines and Guilliman especially get a bad wrap among 40k fans but I have always been a fan of the boy scout characters like him (Cyclops was always my favorite X-Men.)  I am hoping to have him done this coming week alongside the commission and then it will be on to my Armies on Parade Entry for this year. 

While saving the pictures for this weeks posting I realized that this is the halfway point of this challenge.  So I am going to review what I have accomplished in these last 3 months.  First off 139 miniatures are painted.  I have used four Jokers and Earned four Jokers.  I have completed three of the four Jokers I have bought.  I have painted two complete Games Workshop Start Collecting boxes and finished all the models I owned for Malifaux. Overall if I did not finish another model during this challenge I would consider it a Success.  With what I have planned fro my Armies on Parade entry I should be able to consolidate my Space Marines and what I have left of IG into a single file box.  This would drop the number of file boxes from Six when I moved here down to three.  I hope everyone else is having as much success reducing their Mountain and I am loving the posts  on Facebook of everyone's WIP.  Until next week Happy Hobbying all!