Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Orks, for the first time in almost 10 years I have finished some of my Orks.  In the last three weeks I have completed 1/2 of the reaming Grots as well as my Big Gunz crew and the last Trukk Boy mob of my Evils Sunz tribe.  The the biggest hang up I have had was that I started the Orks under the old citadel range and several of the colors did not match.  Though using some different techniques I think I have managed to come close enough it won't be noticeable.  I have the Trukk left for this mob, three Nob Bikerz, and a Big Mek on bike with Kustom force field to finish up the force at least until the new codex drops but I think even then I am pretty much done with this faction.  Doing the math I have close to 10000 points and I think that is sufficient.  I want to knock out the last of the stuff for the Evil Sunz in the next couple of weeks and then move on to other things. Until then Happy Hobbying.

Comparison between old paints and new.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Two Down Countless More to Go.

Brief post but doing it just to get another one out there and try to make them more regular. So this week I finished up my Triumvirate of the Imperium by completing Celestine and retinue and Inquisitor Greyfax.   Last week I focused on finishing my Storm Raven gunship.  Overall this was inspiring progress for me and I am very happy with the finished projects.  I also knocked out he last two Interceptors for the Primaris portion of my Ultramarines, which leaves 10 Pox Walkers and a converted Nurgle Chaos Lord for my Black Legion to finish out my Know No Fear box.  (Sorry for crappy picture of the Triumvirate)

Next project is to finish some of  my much neglected Orks.  First batch is a large number of Grots. Specifically its one fo the 2 boxes of he normal ones and nine more cobbled together Grots (spare models form other Ork kits and Gnoblars) to man my Big Gunz.  After that I have some 'Ard Boyz for my Goffs and a Trukk Mob and some Nob Bikerz for my Evil Suns.  Getting through these will definitely take some of the regret I have for purchasing new models when I still have unfinished stuff as these projects have been in the queue the longest (since GW changed their paint line which forced me to reformulate my paint schemes).  Until Next time Happy Hobbying!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Back in the saddle again (Maybe)

So its been quite awhile since my last post,  I hit a huge wall towards the end of the last 6MMRC when I took a couple of commissions for Christmas, and one following the new year.  I have managed to paint some of my mountain of miniatures but have added more to it then I have completed in the last several months.  There is another 6MMRC going on and my hats off to those working towards it but alas I am just now trig to get back the motivation to paint regularly again. I did manage 1 major thing off my mountain, mainly my Cities of Death terrain purchased in 2006.

This was a huge weight off my conscience.  I assembled 2-3 building myself back in 2007 but was overwhelmed by it then.  In 2008 an event organizer in El Paso asked if he assembled them if he could use them for tournaments while I was stationed there and I agreed.  In 2010 I painted up three of the buildings but was never quite happy with the look.  I decided to run a Narrative 40K game at Siege of Augusta and decided that I would finish the buildings for that.  The narrative game also ran into the trouble of not having anything to play on so the family got together and did a huge felt/paint/sand gaming mat so we now own a 6' X 12' asphalt gaming mat.

I built some special characters for the event though I don't seem to have any pictures of them at the moment I think they may be somewhere in my local groups Facebook page.  Overall the event when pretty good we had two Imperial players and 3 Chaos Players for about 9000 points on each side.  IT ended up being a close game basically decided on a -1 die modifier giving Chaos a victory.  

Most recently I have been working on some 30K Imperial fists and some more commissions.  I have been lovign the Imperial Fists as the make a very striking army in yellow and black.  I have pretty much all the models I need for the force with a few exceptions mostly Rhinos and the shields to field some Breachers.  The commissions lately have mostly been single models as the wight of knocking out two armies on commission (one Dark Imperium Death Guard set, and about 2000+ points of Imperial Guard) definitely brought me towards burn out.  

I managed to finish up five Plague Marines of mine as I worked on Typhus.  The last two weeks I have been working on Cypher, five Fallen and Eisenhorn.  These models have been my attempt to get back into things a little more.  Cypher marks me finishing the last of my Rise of the Primarch Box and the Fallen are made using some Dark Angel Veterans I picked up quite awhile ago for an idea that I decided against for my own Space Marine Chapter.  

So I don't know what the road ahead is I want to finish up my Necromunda set and I am also clsoe to finishing the Know No Fear box I have as well and I think as far as completing projects of of thsoe might be where I go but I will make the decision tonight and see form there.  Until next post Happy Hobbying.