Monday, August 14, 2017

6MMRC 2017 Week 6: Projects on the Go.

So even with two trips out of town I still managed to get some stuff done.  I finished the Cyclone Missile Launcher Termies to finish out the squad of 10,  I also knocked out a Sergeant, Assault Cannon and one more Termie to finish out a squad of five. 

I also managed to get my Land Speeders striped down, rebuilt and painted as well assembling the one I got with the Ravenwing squadron box I used to do the Command squad.  I also got another 10 Terminators, and two land raiders base coated. to try and knock out before this Wednesday.

I have hopes to knock out a couple more units this week while I am still on Leave.  Next weeks Konor units are Psykers so I am going to see what I can knock out, I have a Voldus, some left over Grey Knight Terminators and a Magi Librarian to try to prime up and get started.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

6MMRC Week 5: The Mountain is Crumbling Slowly.

So Bam another week down.  I managed to get all the stuff I primed and airbrushed mostly done this week.  I still need to do the bases on he Terminators and forgot to put the Dreadnaught in the picture but he is done. Also I am getting a little bit better at working the new camera at least with the light box.  I don't have any in progress shots this week, I didn't get much assembly done.  This weeks goal is two Land Raider Crusaders, another Dreadnaught with Autocannon Conversion, and a Land Speeder. 

So this will be a rough week for progress, as I am taking some vacation time and this week is very busy.  Next week I will have some more free time and hope to catch up then.  That's all for now and Happy Hobbying.