So long time since I posted, but I have been keeping fairly steady progress with the exception of Week 7. So lets break it down week by week.
Week 7 saw no finished models. I got the first 2 layers completed on the Paladins and Voldus and then all painting ceased. The Honey Do list took precedence over painting for a couple of my last days of leave and then the final few were packed with last minute family events.
Week 8 saw the completion of the the Grey Knight models and a Space Marine Librarian on Tuesday in time to get the painting points for the Psykers of week 4 of the Konor Campaign it also saw the start of my Space Marine Bike squad, but more on those in a bit. In the process of painting Voldus I decided I didn't much care for the green and cream paint scheme on my previous Grey Knights. So slowly I have been repainting the others to match Voldus and the Paladins The new scheme is dark red and cream. It is just enough different to my Space Marines and looks my "Grey Knighty" then the green did. I also finished up the 2nd Land Raider Crusader for my Space Marines since it was almost finished from week 3 of the Konor Campaign.
Week 9 was painful and while models were completed it was mainly because I had a 12 hour over night shift at work that allowed me to bring in my models and get some painting done with no distractions. The main reason for my lack of motivation were the models themselves. These were all part of a large lot of bikes I picked up off eBay. I grabbed what I thought were 18 good bikes and three attack bikes. None of them were good and I constantly found modeling issues that necessitated breaking off parts, replacing them, spot priming with Gesso and then repainted to the level of the rest of the model. Even with all that work I am largely unsatisfied with the final product. Also I have yet to locate my Bolter barrel drill bit. Though as of Saturday's Hurricane prep I think I may have found the pin vise that had all the spares in it. So two squads of bikes completed and one started, also it has driven hoem the desire to just sell the other 18 Bikes and Attack Bike from that lot instead of buidlign the entire 2nd Company with the Bikes Replacing Tactical squads. If I do complete 2nd Company the rest will be a traditional Demi Company.
Week 10 was much more productive over all getting three projects completed. First up was the last squad of Bikes, also on Memorial day I got some Airbrush work done on the Shadow War terrain and a set of Promethium Relays , I even had a helper.
The terrain went quick and I am very happy with the results. I also managed to start and finish something not Warhammer. I have always been interested in Malifuax and it was a very close thing between Warmahordes, Bolt Action and it when I was looking for games to move too after I slowed down playing 40k and sold off my Fantasy after Age of Sigmar. Since the local group has been talking about trying it out I picked up a Rasputina Crew off eBay before the challenge. I had also picked up a Blessed of December and Snowstorm form my old Hobby Shops going out of business sale. I broke out my Basius 2 pads to add some texture to the bases since I wanted a Victorian Urban look to the bases. Overall I am very happy with the results and actually feel renewed now to work on other projects.
So that is the progress, now on to posting and a bit of an explanation/rant. It came to my awareness that most of my issues with getting posts out on time all stem form one source, my wife. See every time I run a challenge my wife tries to do something similar with her crafting projects. So far she is 0-3 for finishing her challenges. She has a lot of steam at the start but it peters out quickly. How does this affect me and my posts. Posts are actually the hardest part of doing the challenges for me. We do not have a spot to leave the photo box set up or even all that many surfaces to place it on. About the week she peters out all of those surfaces end up covered with per projects. In the past I have managed to clear space on the floor and get the pictures this time the photo box itself was buried the project she stalled on, organizing the craft room. In addition we only have one computer, so when she is going good we each knock out our posts and everything is grand. When she doesn't have a post I have more difficulty getting the computer to do mine. So what does all this mean to you the readers (what few of you there are right now.) Well I finally talked to her about it and we have come to an understanding this hopefully means fewer weeks smashed into one post.
Well that's all for this rather lengthy update Happy Hobbying all.