So greetings all this will be my 2nd post in a row that is on time let's hope this continues. So this week I did not make as much progress on my mountain but I did get a significant amount of painting done. Friday night was the date of the FLGS Iron Painter challenge. Each contestant had 24 hours (6PM-6PM) to paint a GW start collecting box. I chose Daemons of Nurgle to allow me to play a 1000 point Battalion of Chaos Daemons (it is the only Daemon box that contains two troops) when combined with the Daemons of Tzeentch box I painted for the Konor Campaign. It was a very interesting experience. I managed to finish mine in 16 hours. I was one of only two contestants to finish their box completely. I unfortunately lost to one of those that had not finished because the guy gimmick-ed his army up to check off the boxes in the judging rubric. The last picture is the army that one please not the weathering powder on the boot of the Commissar you having seen the army in person those 3 are by far the best models in the lot. he missed highlights and had paint cross over across piece on msot of the models but he had some free hand Icons and had converted a Taurox with one of the 3rd party kits. To be honest I am a little bitter there were other Armies there that I would not have minded to lose too but that was not one of them. I might be tempted to do it again but we will have to see.
On the older(ish) models I finished the Hellblasters and made some progress on the last six models of the Dark Imperium set. The edge highlighting on the blue is very tedious to complete but I am very happy with final product. Next week will continue with the Ultramarines finishing the 6 and Roboute Guilliman from the Rise of the Primarch Box.
I have definitely noticed the increase of motivation I get from seeing what others are doing on the challenge. The times I did my best during the Iron Painter as also when I was working next to some one else and seeing there progress defiantly drove me on. So to all the others doing the 6MMRC thank you for helping push me to keep going. Until next week Happy Hobbying!
Last move - to self-hosting!
1 year ago
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