Friday, October 6, 2023

6MMPC 2023: Progress was furthered.

Okay so second post in about a week, so maybe the ball is rolling.  I definitely got some work down and was fairly excited to knock these out.  As pictured in my last post we have the Thralls and the monstrosity from Iron Kingdoms: Undercity as well as two Ogrun models I had half painted and found in a box of my RPG minis.  This finishes off all of the rank and file models form this set.  I still have the characters left as well as the two BBEG models.  I am counting this as a Joker though.  I also started work on the undead and already finished the Bone Swarms.  I ended up adding glowing eyes after my wife's recommendation even though the artwork does not show them.  I do think it is an improvement in the menacing-ness of them.  This is a brief post and I am hoping to make another one soon with the undead finished.

Until next time Happy Hobbying!

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

6MMPC 2023 Progress report: Block finally Breeched.

Well it has certainly been quite awhile since my last post, and well that is how long it took me to finish my first set of Warders.  I came to the epiphany while working on them that painting a unit I "have" to assemble, paint, and play; to use an army effectively on the table top, that I otherwise would not have purchased or dedicated time into is a huge mood Killer.  Unfortunately I have quite a few more of these kind of projects in my pile of shame.  This batch is done and while I have one more unit to finish to actually be able to play my Stone Gauntlet list again I am taking a break.
Instead of beating my head against the wall with models that I have no inclination to paint I am pulling out some old projects that have been lingering unfinished.  I ma hoping since these are quicker paint schemes and techniques they will help cleanse my palette and potentially reinvigorate my desire to Hobby.  First up is the last of my rank and file (and one boss) of my Iron Kingdoms Undercity set.  I have been playing Iron Kingdoms Requiem with my wife and some friends and I have found I have a lot of energy in preparing models and terrain for those games so I am also hoping that helps.  These were started while I was in Korea but I had missed priming one of them, and they got set aside till I could prime the last one and that didn't happen till this last Sun.  They are being painted with a mix of GW Contrast and then base coats with a layer of wash.  Simple scheme for some models that just serve as monster fodder for RPGs.  
Following that we already have the next batch in the wings for after them.  This is the entire Dead Men Rising set from the Widowers Wood Kickstarter.  I already completed the adventure that I originally planned to use these models for with the Party but its a big pile of undead and i figure there will be use for them sometime in the future as well.  I figure finishing the Undercity stuff and Dead Men Rising will net me a Joker each.  I have no plans to purchase anything else for a while though.  I think the only thing on my Radar potentially is the new Horus Hersey set with the Land Raider Mk III marines and Dreads but there is as yet no release date on that.  Until next time Happy Hobbying!

Monday, August 7, 2023

6MMPC Week I don't even know anymore...

Okay so I have had the models posted here painted for a while I think date on the pics is the 8th of July.  These are the last models I have finished,  I still have the 10 Phalanx Warders sitting with paint started to be applied.  So here is the finished work.

I painted these up for some upcoming encounters in Iron Kingdoms Requiem, a 5th edition version of the roleplaying game for the Warmachine/Hordes setting.  These are all for ma long ago Kickstarter for the Widower Woods.  Paint was a mix of coat and wash and Contrast paints, I actually started these about 3 years ago while in Korea and they had been sitting with the first coat on them since then, As a wargamer I use miniatures very heavily in my RPGs.  I even custom build or convert models for my players.  Such as these...

The three on the left were painted by me and the two on the right were paitned by my wonderful wife who is also playing in the game.  

Here it is a month later and these are all I have painted, why?  Well I am pretty much just done with everything.  I am desperately scrabbling to dig myself out of the pit of depression that I have been slowly sinking into the last lets say two years.  Painting used to bring me joy and was one of my major stress relievers and when I can bring myself to do it it still is.  That said so much hate has been directed to me and people like me that I struggle to find the energy to put paint to models.  Combine this with a propensity to find it all of a waste of time when I am not playing the games it is not helping much.  I have not been able to get a game in since I want to say maybe December for Wargaming and since March for RPGs.  The state of affairs in my home country is bleak, I may have 3 months I loose coverage for my Hormone Therapy depending on which way things break down in the committee to determine the NDAA for FY 24.  This is probably TMI but I don't produce my own naturally any more and never produced the ones that actually allow me to think clearly and feel more than a constant state of stress. 

Combine this with people in my home State ramping up to start the stupid "If we pass this anti discrimination law for LGBTQIA+ people, rapists are going to use it to molest women in the bathrooms" B.S.  I am not really in a great state right now.  I love to see the progress other people are making on this challenge and as a plus I have been so depressed I haven't bought anything since the Leviathan box which was only purchased because I had finished up the Gatormen.  I think I was a week or two passed when I finished painting them when I took the pictures.  Even as I am writing this I am glancing at the Warders trying to determine if I have the energy to put any more Leadbelcher on the remaining 5 that need that color.  

I am not making any promises as to when I will post next,  I hit bottom about the beginning of  July and while I am making progress (as evidenced by the fact I finally managed this post) I am no where near where I would like to be.  As much as this may ring hollow I sincerely mean it for you all until, next time, Happy Hobbying.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

#6MMPC Week 8- Bing Bang Done

 Yah! I have a post that is being made only a couple of days late instead of a couple of weeks. Go me!

Anyways this week saw me complete some Deathwing Knights form the Wrath of the Soul Forge King kit. I wanted something that was not Black, Red and Gold and these guys checked that box.  I have a Demi Company of Dark Angels already as part of my long stagnant now Fall of Cadia Project and I am adding these guys to that force. I sold the Azreal and the Dark Angels Primaris upgrade bits to a friend and am debating if I am going to be tackling the Chaos side of that set soon or move on to something else.  This week though is going to be one of my least favorite things to tackle Resin.  I have some Forge(ry) World bits for some Phalanx Warders to add to my Horus Heresy Imperial Fists so I can again run a Stone Gauntlet list (I finally just last year got my Breachers done and hadn't even gotten to use that RoW with them.)  I am just debating if I am going to try to knock out all 20 or just paint the 10 I got assembled already and do the other 10 later.

I am finding myself getting slowly back into the hang of painting.  I haven't really stopped but I have found that the excitement level I have for a project determines the quality of the finished project.  These guys went a bit better than some of my other recent projects.  They still have their flaws but I think there are fewer.  

Let's see if I can further reduce the update time for the next post.  Until next time Happy Hobbying!

Sunday, June 4, 2023

#6MMPC Week 6-7(I think) Dear Gods above why am I still Painting black gold and red...

Okay so as is customary I am behind on my posts (I try I really do)  I didn't get anything painted really just assembled and primed last week this week I struggled to get through the models.  I have been painting Sisters (Our Martyred Lady) and Black Legion pretty much for the last 6 months off and on.  I have spun in a few Necrons from my Imperium subscription to try to avoid full burn out but I was feeling it on this set.   Not even these being the last of my power armored sisters units or the Rhino conversions I have been itching to do for months could stave of the apprehension of painting more of these colors.   That all said I managed to push through and finish them this week.  

I also took a somewhat painful but reluctantly step which was to take pictures and start the process of selling my custom Space Marine Chapter.  The Red Magi have been a staple of my collection since I started.  They have been converted, de-converted, stripped and then repainted to their current status.  That all said the last time I did anything significant with them was in the global campaign at the start of 8th (I forget the name).  They were my go to army for each of the global campaigns and they earned honors on Armageddon, Cadia, Medusa V, and most recently the Ultramar Sector.  The final straw though was having to rebase the models to continue playing them.  Probably some of the guys in the local group would not complain but enough of them would that I won't bring them to the open gaming nights in hopes to get a game in.  So here is one of the last pictures of the lot overall.  Individual units are peppered through out the earlier pages of my blog but I think this is the first and probably only group shot of what I have done, (minus two Land Raiders I am keeping for another project.)  I don't know if I will redo the chapter with new Primaris models (I have quite a few extras at this point) or let them fade into the warp, maybe write up an ending for them in my personal fluff and let them go.  

The next project is some Deathwing Knights (yes I have roughly 5 various Space Marine Armies its a problem)  which at least is a completely different pallet then the last few.  After that not sure may finish up my Horus Heresy Imperial Fists as I have the parts for the two squads of Phalanx Warders and the Spartans to cap that project off.  On a reluctant note I used my second Joker to pick up a copy of Ashe of Faith ass the Inquisitorial unit and the Campaign book were to tempting to pass up for the price.  I think finishing my Sisters (minus one unit I am still waiting on a 28mms base to come into my FLGS) counts as earning another one.  Until next time Happy Hobbying!

Sunday, May 14, 2023

2023 Back at it (and back story) for another 6MMRC Week 5

*tap* *tap* Is this thing on, let me dust off the cobwebs here a bit.  SO, It has been a very very long time since I posted to this thing so first a bit of a recap of some stuff that has gone on.  I finished my last 6MMRC in June of 2018, I had every intention (as I always do) to keep the blog going after, life didn't really have that in store for me.  I found out in June that I was heading to Korea for a duty assignment about the time the last challenge ended.  That brought a whole wealth of challenges as where I was supposed to be going (spoiler alert that is not where I went) was not a great place to bring my family so we had to pack up and make a move for them back home which was across the country and through another one.  That left little time for hobbying, though after I got back I did do a push to get some projects complete and even manage to enter an Armies on Parade again and even one best overall.

(Tried to add more pictures but blogger kidna sucks and couldn't get the laid out the way I wanted )

After that I mostly got every thing ready for my move.  I got to Korea and while I did keep at the painting and modeling as a way to keep busy I had none of the stuff I needed to really take pictures (yes I am aware they sell break down photo boxes on Amazon, I am looking to get one here soon) so even though I wanted to and thought about it I could never got around to doing it.  While there I had probably my biggest life change occur, and perhaps reintroductions are in order for those that knew me before.. Hello I am now Ana now, my pronouns are she her and yes I am transgender.

Here's a recent picture of me at 20 year OIF reunion

Needless to say the next couple of years were a whirlwind, I made a few posts here and there on FB in various hobby forums are am on there for some projects here or there but I was kind of nervous about being in the public eye for a little while (that's changed in a bigger way to some extent but ADHD still keeps me from posting regular.)   So lets talk the whirlwind, in addition to my transition of genders, I was also retiring from the Army, and relocating back home which thanks to some a*hole at my branch meant a whole other move with the family completely across the country and through another one.  Starting a new job setting up a new house (though I finally have my own game room office now.)  Whew whew does a girl find time to assemble and paint tiny plastic men and women?

Eh she finds a way.

So while I haven't been posting I have been hobbying, I have taken a bit of an interest in Youtube and I have posted a series of a play through I did of Minecraft and am currently working on one for Cyberpunk 2077 (I hope to get back to it now that college is done oh about that...)  I also finally managed to earn my Associates degree so hey finishing college can get checked off my to do list finally after 25 years.  With all this going on the fine fellow who runs the Six Month Mountain Reduction Challenges posted about doing another one from April to the end of October.  While my new job pays really well and my plastic mountain has grown considerably over the years with all the other craziness going on.  I am starting a wee bit late but I talked with David (that fine fellow I mentioned earlier) and he said I was good to start once I finished my finals and final papers.  So that pretty much catches us up to now.  My first weeks completion was some of the Sisters of Battle from my imperium subscription, though these week also sees me blow my first joker as I picked up the Gallowfall Kill Team set (if your just joining me look back through older posts and you can probably see why... this girl loves her some Beastmen.)
crappy picture but we are still re-learning this

Next week is more Sisters, five Seraphim, five Zeraphym and three converted Rhinos, until then Happy Hobbying! 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Orks, for the first time in almost 10 years I have finished some of my Orks.  In the last three weeks I have completed 1/2 of the reaming Grots as well as my Big Gunz crew and the last Trukk Boy mob of my Evils Sunz tribe.  The the biggest hang up I have had was that I started the Orks under the old citadel range and several of the colors did not match.  Though using some different techniques I think I have managed to come close enough it won't be noticeable.  I have the Trukk left for this mob, three Nob Bikerz, and a Big Mek on bike with Kustom force field to finish up the force at least until the new codex drops but I think even then I am pretty much done with this faction.  Doing the math I have close to 10000 points and I think that is sufficient.  I want to knock out the last of the stuff for the Evil Sunz in the next couple of weeks and then move on to other things. Until then Happy Hobbying.

Comparison between old paints and new.