Tuesday, October 25, 2016

3MMRC: Week3-4 Two weeks in one because posting is not my strong suit.

So week 3 was minimal progress and a missed post.  Week 4 was considerably more productive.
So first up we have my week 3 progress was The Thing in the Woods from Mordhiem.  This is a model I got in a lot of stuff I picked up to do my Beastmen Renegades.  I was knew it was a GW model but had no idea what it was till a buddy of mine that played Mordhiem told me.  Alas I don't play the game and really just painted it up because it looked fun.  It will probably be posted on E-bay tonight.

So this weekend at one of the FLGS we had a Kill Team tourney for which I drug out my Beastmen Renegades.  I finished dead last and lost 5/6 games.  That said I still had fun and now understand why everyone hated me when I played Eldar with my friends way back in 3rd edition 40K. Playing in the tourney rekindle some of my desire to play and build my 40K stuff and so I finally put paint on 2 of the models that were assembled and primed during the last challenge, and took 2 of the bodies I had and added grenade launchers to make the Platoon of Flak armored Ungor more cohesive, swapping out the 2 plasma guns in squad 2.

Lastly I finished putting together the rest of the Plague Zombies to fill the unit out at 20.  I had a fun building some of them though they are kind of a throw away unit for me.  I don't know if they will ever see play time but they are something I have wanted to do for a long while.  I even managed to paint them and assemble the rest of the cultists form the Dark Vengeance sets I had.  I got 5 of them painted last night in the scheme I developed also during the last challenge.  I am back and forth on it but its an easy pattern ant looks okay for the 40K fluff of Nurgle zombies.  I will not repeat this scheme on any other zombie models but I think it works for them,

So hopefully by next week I will put a dent in the rest of the Plague Zombies and Cultists.  They are all being done in a variation of the Dip method with a little bit of extra highlighting so they should go quick.  After that I will see what I can do next.  This week I managed to trade 3 Killa Kans, a Trukk, 10 Boyz 5 Nobz, and a Warboss for 16 Beserkers and 10 Raptors.  I think I may tackle the Beserkers which are going to become Bolter toting Chaos Marines for my World Eaters Army for some of the new Traitor's Hate formations.  I may also take on the Raptors which will be added to my Black Legion Forces we will see where my whims take me.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

3MMRC: Week 2 - finding motivation...

So that is my progress on week 2. I managed all but final high lights on the 3 Grind Jacks and just need to finish eyes and basing on the Gun mage. Though I did finish my building(s) for the 4th Achievement of the Crossroads of Courage Season 1. I am finding myself struggling for motivation to paint. I had intended to have the 3 jacks painted for this last weeks adventure and managed what you see in the picture. The gun mage who is so far the Campaigns Big Bad was 1 of my jokers. I had always intended to get the model and when I stopped into a recently opened game store in my community there the model was on the rack. Ironically I had just finished the last figure of the party when in a side adventure that should have barely been challenging the party managed to wipe itself. I fudged the rolls as often as I could but short of just failing every roll I could not counter half the parties desire to just do the dumbest things possible. Some of them are keeping character images that will be very similar though the other 2 (the ones that basically got he party killed) will be going in completely different routes. I really need to work on knocking down some more of my back log of 40K stuff but every time I think about it I just feel discouraged. Considering how little I have played 40k in the last couple of years I figure that is the biggest part of it. I have played the game for so long and love the armies I have built but I have not truly had fun playing the game since 6th edition. I enjoyed my time playing Warmachine in the Crossroads League and the fact that even with a 1/5 win loss rate during the League I am still doing better than I am at 40k and while winning has never been terribly important to me I am thinking my 1/90ish win loss rate with 40k may be a factor in working on the models. Anyways hoping to finish the last bits of the models and maybe start on some of the other stuff on my shelf here this week.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

3 Month Mountain Reduction Challenge Week 1

So I started this blog got 2 posts up and then left it behind, I have had a Project Log on Dakka Dakka for a bit. During my Dakka Dakka time I did a personal 6MMRC. This September started a shorter one, this time only 3 months, since I still have a chunk of my mountain I figured I would take part. In the time since my 6MMRC I have swung heavily into the Iron Kingdoms, participating in a Journeyman League for Warmachine and starting an Iron Kingdoms RPG group. That brings us to week 1 of the 3MMRC. Week 1 was mostly stuff for my IKRPG group. I had one Player Character left to convert and paint Ed Carington, an Aristocrat/Investigator. He is a very flamboyant character and we used an old IKRPG model Guildon for the base. I switched out the Electro Rod with the cane sword and removed the sword from his back. I then sculpted out some of the back lost with the sword and added a pistol holstered on his leg. Also from the groups last adventure I have Anna Kareen and Vincent striker. The Journeyman Warcasters competing in a Grind Match (I am running it as an illegal Jack Fighting game in my campaign.) I also added paint to Anna's Jacks as they and her will be recurring NPC's in the campaign. Something else that occurred this week was a Painting Competition at my FLGS. The challenge was 2 fold the first one was to bring in a painted copy of the Slaughterpriest from September's White Dwarf. The 2nd part was a speed painting competition of an Eldar Death Jester. I took 3rd in the WD model and 4th in the speed painting. I managed to get all but the basing done on it before time was called so not too bad for an hour of painting.
So there you have it my first weeks worth of work. Not as much as most weeks during my 6MMRC but a good start. Here's the group shot, sorry for the crappy photos but didn't get the photo box set up and wife had the camera so they were taken with my phone.