Wednesday, November 16, 2016

3MMRC: Week 6-7 I think I can I think I can.

So has been a busy last 2 weeks but not as much in the realm of painting.  I had 24 hr. Duty the Saturday before last which due to daylight savings time became 25 hrs.  In that time I got 10 Bane Thralls painted and started putting some paint on the cultists I had assembled a couple of weeks prior,

I am quite happy with them and now have am urge to put together a couple of viable Cryx armies once my Mountain is a bit smaller.  I already have several of their Warcasters from various E-bay lots as well as a couple of Helljacks and Bonejacks.

After duty I headed home and got a bit of sleep before heading out to run a 1 day Crossroads of Courage event.  It had a very small turn out but everyone had fun and both the wife and I got 2 games each in.  I only managed to Snag 2 pictures, one of the 2 battle zone boards and 1 of my wife and I in our respective matches on Turn 2.

This last week saw little done due to a Weekend trip over the Veteran's Day weekend to help some friends of ours at another Base move.  I still managed to finish the Cultists I was working on as well as a couple more.  I now have 7 left of the 30ish I plan to build and paint.  I lost one sprue that I latter found so one of the flamer armed cultists is converted.  I also turned all the Heavy Stubber cultists into weapon teams to let me use them as Renegades and Heretics.  I will probably knock out just enough to field them as 3 squads of 10 man cultists in addition to the a Renegade Militia Platoon.  One of the models was already painted form the last challenge and just migrated to a base and had another model added to it.  

My goal for this week is to finish some more if not all of the cultists and knock out a unit fo Knights Exemplar for Courage at the Crossroads season 2.  Happy painting all.

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