Wednesday, November 2, 2016

3MMRC: Week 5 Werewolves and Zombies and Mines... oh my.

So this week was very productive but not in the way I had intended.  I had started on the Zombies and had 4 up(to make 5 with the original proof of concept model.)  Then when my IKRPG group fell through I got invited to do a Halloween themed Hordes/Warmachine demo at one of the FLGSs.  Since I didn't have anything really Halloween themed I decided to see what I had in the Mountain.  As it turns out I had a Cryx Helljack I could make into the last Jack to make a 0 pt. Goreshade1 list.

I also had 2 sets of Circle of Orboros starters form the Mark II 2 player box.  So Kaya1 with the Feral Warpwolf and to Wild Argus also makes 0 pts.  I started them all Saturday morning (about 4AM) and had them finished by 4:30 just in time to head out the door.  So 12 hours to finish a battle group not too shabby.  I painted them in a similar scheme to the Thing in the Woods.  I also broke out my Basius pads and added some green stuff texture ot the bases.  Overall I am very happy with them as a Demo Battlegroup for Hordes.

So I finally got back to the Zombies after Halloween since the kid going Trick or Treating was a bigger priority.  I finished them up last night, I am not as happy with them as I am with the first batch but can't put my finger on exactly why.  This batch is mostly converted Cultists form the batch I have assembled, though with them done that is half of the way through them.

So the other thing I have been plugging away at over the last week is some terrain for an upcoming Courage at the Crossroads in a Day thing at one of the FLGSs.  Since the Press Ganger at that store kind of failed at organizing anything after the store got the kit we are doing a League in a Day event.  I offered to finish up some of the Terrain for the 2 battle fields in the league in addition to running it.  I had started 2 mines during the League I had participated in but didn't get them done by the end of it.  They are a little larger then the rules state but I think they Look cool as is and once finished will hopefully make that battle field.  They are still very much in progress but are a good way in.  I also have 6 Tents for the Bandit Camp.  They are just a Bamboo skewer frame with shop towels then painted with watered down PVA but I think they look decent for a start.  Hope to have them done by Friday night.

Lastly I got a one off Mars Attacks civilian painted up while demonstrating some painting techniques to the wife (who then promptly ignored my advice and did her own thing that still turned out really cool.  Oh so she has also now completed a Legion of Everblight Battlegroup for Hordres.  Well mostly as soon as I get done posting this I need to mix up some PVA and water so she can add snow to the bases.  So with that farewell for now happy painting.

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