The next week was a bit more productive, as part of the League one of the Goals is to paint 19 points of Warjacks or Warbeasts and field them. So I decided to knock it out all in one fell swoop. A little while back my wife came across a massive lot of Protectorate stuff part of which was a Judicator. So that started this week. It also included a couple of new Warcasters one of which I have been eyeing for awhile. Grand Exemplar Kreoss. After building an Exemplar Heavy list with Kreoss2 at the head I had 2 points left. So going back to the lot and seeing what I had in there to make up 2 points I found 2 Vassal Mechaniks. That finished up my painting for the week. I still have to finish the Judicator's base and stretching the rules of the Challenge a little bit I bid on a Cygnar jack for $5.00 on Ebay to chop up and put on the base. Even though it is kind of a complete model it will be used as bits to finish a single model.
Lastly since over the weekend we finally restarted the IKRPG group with their new characters. I managed to finish up one of them. A Knight/Arcanist with a suit of Exemplar Army passed down to his family for generations. I shaved off all the Menofexes and replaced some of them with Purity seal tops. The shield is form a Space Marine Assault Marine kit the head is from my bits box and I have no idea where it came form but the Player picked it out to replace the more traditional Exemplar Head. Two of the PC's decided to keep their models and the last one I have some ideas for I just need to source out a new Female head for her character as my bits box is firmly lacking in female bits.
I will try to get a few more models painted this week but my main focus is actually goign to be on finishing some terrain from my mountain as well as knocking out a piece of terrain (or 3 or 6) for the League. Anyways that is all for now Happy painting.
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