Also as part of the Courage at the Crossroads League there are achievements for building terrain for various battlefields. This Season as a Sower I had to build something for the Mud Fields battlefield. I was pretty lost on what to do since my options were a shallow puddle, a lonely oak(tree stand), shallow mud, and deep mud. Well I already did my summer/spring forest stands a couple of months back, so that left puddles and mud. I have recently started watching some terrain videos from Mel Boise. I watched some on doing marshy ground and that inspired me to come up with something. So I knocked out three Shallow and three Deep mud pieces. The deep mud ones are the oens with [ools of water in them.
Also this week was the No Man Left Behind scenario which had the defender placing three 3" tents in the center of the board. Well I had done some tents for the last League in a Day event but since doing those I wanted to try out some round tents and since I was already cutting out some MDF for the trees and the mud pieces I knocked out 3 more to serve as tents for the scenario. These pieces I am very happy with.
It's the last week and to be honest I have no idea of what I want to work on this last week. I had intended to knock out the last of my Khador stuff (10 Man-o-wars and a Juggernaut) and I am tempted to do that as it would mean that faction is complete but I am also fiveish cultists away form finishing them. Who knows maybe I will have a flurry of motivation and finish both.
Happy Painting all.
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