Sunday, November 26, 2017

6MMRC 2017 Weeks 20-21: Quality Time and New Acquisitions.

So another double week post, but with some progress.  I have finished my 2nd Set of Shadow War Armageddon Terrain, assembled a complete building as a test piece for my Cities of Death stuff, completed the last pending commission, and assembled a House Escher Gang for the new Necromunda.

So last week was some slow progress mainly because those pieces were painted with assistance with a helper.

Since the pieces were mostly painted with dry brushing I let my daughter help me out.  I am pretty happy with them and can now cover roughly a 30" square with dense multi-level terrain.  My daughter had a blast helping daddy and even though I could have knocked them out in one evening and instead they took three it was well worth it. Here's a look at the completed stuff.

I also took some time to put together a LOS blocking building using some extra Cities of Death terrain.  I had an extra un-assembled Administratum building kit that I used to make a small chapel.  I will be adding some stained glass to it once its painted. I used some of the ruble pieces to help center the door and then used push molds to fill them in.  I am hoping to get it primed up and painted this week and then do a big run on the stuff that I have assembled but badly damaged next week.  

I spent most of this week knocking out the other commission I took at the same time as the Falchion, an Ultramarines Fire Raptor.  The kit was a huge pain to put together, some of the pieces literally did not fit where they were supposed to.  The rear top was probably the worst it took 2 hours of filing/fitting to get it mostly right and while it is not noticeable at a glance it is defiantly skewed and off center looking.  The problem is to right the skew I have to make it look more off center and to make it line up on on the sides I would have to skew the tail even more.  This kit has defiantly got me wondering about the supposed high standards of Forgeworld products.  Overall the customer is very happy with the final product so I guess its still a win though I almost feel bad at charging him for the work, though I am working for about half of what he has been paying others since I mainly take commissions to work on projects that don't end up on my pile.

This week has also been a huge win as far as selling some stuff.  I manged to sell off the extra Chaos Space Marine stuff I had, the Martian half of the Mars Attacks KS, and about 40 un-assembled unpainted skeletons and zombies.  I used the funds to purchase the re-release of Necromunda.  I already have the Escher gang assembled and up for priming as well as 2 more models for my Beastmen.  

This week's goal is to get that stuff painted as well as the Chapel, until next time Happy Hobbying all.

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